Qualities of a High School History Teacher

Here are the results of a study/survey that asked students to rate their United States History instructor.

Patience was mentioned 85 times by these same students; kindness, 80 times; clearness, 35; sense of humor, 32; understanding of students, 24; firmness, 21; impartiality, 24; cheerfulness and pleasantness, 19 each; sincerity, 14; sympathy, 16 ; and ability to make work interesting, 21. The writer’s own investigations along this same line with history teachers especially in mind reveal facts relative to the personal and social qualities of teachers similar to the foregoing ones. On one occasion he asked 150 high-school graduates to describe the history teacher who had helped them most to an appreciation and an understanding of history. In the tabulation of the responses to this request the following terms were used over and over again: astounding vitality, impartiality, broad-mindedness, friendliness and kindness to everyone, desire to help, keen sense of humor, attractive personality, pleasing personality, remarkable personality, pleasing manner, interest in the subject, personal interest in each pupil, delightful sense of humor, enthusiasm for the subject, power to inspire the class, ambition and energy, fairness and uprightness, truthfulness and exactness, and a companionable disposition. All these personal and social qualities in a teacher assume large proportion in the minds of their students.

These qualities seem to make a lot of sense. What year do you think this study was done?

The answer: (The teaching of history in junior and senior high schools By Rolla Milton Tryon)

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