When Commonsense is Gone…

1googearth.jpg[O.K., this is an official rant. Besides, if this is seen as a political issue, it is only becuase the  devotees of Al Gore have made it one.]

This is about as political as I will get on this blog. (I have removed comments to avoid anyone wanting to chime in.) I am not an Al Gore fan, and frankly after watching the softballs 60 Minutes threw him Sunday night along with his arrogance, I can’t stand him. When someone says, “The Debate is over!,” such as Al Gore has said on numerous occasions, that’s when I perk up and start to question a person. I mean, according to Al Gore to doubt him is to be one in the same as those who thought the earth was flat.

Conserving energy, being aware of the environment, reducing dependence on oil, ect., all things we need to do. But do so intelligently, which is not what Google.com AND SO MANY OTHERS are doing. Let’s show our support without thinking it through. Want to fix the earth? (When lots of real scientist doubt Gore, and have other theories worth considering, but you won’t see those on the news.) Lets slow or halt our economy, cripple industry with regulations and taxation, and meanwhile we as a nation face debt up to the sum of $50+ Trillion Dollars.

Anyway, Google.com over the weekend in an effort to be enviro-friendly and raise awareness of energy conservation, turned off the lights in support of the “environment.” Though they had good intentions, they did not realize something…

… it takes more energy for your monitor to power black screen images than white ones.

So, unfortunately, to raise awareness of the need to conserve energy, Google.com caused its users to use more energy. Opps…

I know, just think of all the people who turned off a light during their hour of web surfing, yeah right! Only problem, they did this in the middle of the day when we didn’t need any lights!

Finally, here’s a new Al Gore environment awareness DVD preview:

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Travel and History blogger Twitter @JoeDuck
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